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API Nitrate Test Kits.
API Nitrate test kits.
Why Test for Nitrate?
Nitrate (N03-) is produced in the aquarium by the biological filter. Beneficial bacteria in the biological filter convert toxic ammonia and nitrite into nitrate. A high nitrate level indicates a build-up of fish waste and organic compounds, resulting in poor water quality and contributing to the likelihood of fish disease. Maintaining a low nitrate level improves the health of fish and invertebrates. Excessive nitrate also provides a nitrogen source that can stimulate algal blooms. Aquarium water should be tested for nitrate once a week to make sure the nitrate does not reach an undesirable level.
Testing Tips
This test kit reads total nitrate (N03-) level in parts per million (ppm) which are equivalent to milligrams per liter (mg/L) from 0- 160 ppm.
What the Test Results Mean
In new aquariums the nitrate level will gradually climb as the biological filter becomes established. A nitrate level of 40 ppm (mg/L) or less is recommended for freshwater aquariums. In marine aquariums, it is best to keep nitrate as low as possible, specially when keeping invertebrates.
Reducing Nitrate levels
Add API NITRA-ZORB™ to the filter to remove nitrate from freshwater aquariums. Making partial water changes can also help reduce nitrate, especially if the level is very high. However, because many tap water supplies contain nitrate, it can be difficult to lower nitrate levels by this method. API TAP WATER FILTER will remove all pollutants, including nitrate, from tap water, making water changes safe and effective.
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